
Irina Negulescu

irina-negulescu-1At a very young age, Romanian born Irina would secretly draw anywhere she could get her hands on, the walls, behind her family’s furniture or on the back of every book or notebook she would find in the house. Unlined paper was scarce and very expensive.

Later, Irina’s academic studies were traditional with her art taking priority. Even her school notebooks contained funny renderings of her teachers and schoolmates. Upon finishing the high school, Irina was accepted to the prestigious art school ‘Universitatea Populara Constanta” in her native city. After graduating with highest honors, Irina immigrated to the United States in 1989, where she continued her studies and became a US Citizen in 1994.

Prior to becoming a full time artist, Irina won many first place and grand prize awards for her art. She has appeared numerous times on local television, radio and radio internet. She was also showcased on the nationally broadcasted show, ‘Pageants of the Masters’ on the segment “Masters of Modern Art” on HGTV.

Today Irina’s passion comes alive in her expressionistic fine art painting and angelic and grand murals. Her dramatic brush strokes show depth and realism with a vibrant life force. Her incredible talent is showcased in her unique underwater paintings of beautiful women.

Being raised during the harsh years of Communism perhaps explains Irina’s exceptional ability to capture the soul and essence of her subjects, especially children and the female figure. All of this truly makes Irina a one of a kind artist.

“ My inspiration comes from the liberty I have to express my passion for dance and music, and for my love of the blue sea, the brilliant sky and the beautiful people that surround me everyday”

Educational Background

1985 – 1988 | Scoala Populara de Arta – Constanza, Romania
1992 – 1995 | Fine Arts and Design – San Diego Mesa College – Dean’s Honor List
1996 – 1999 | San Diego State University
2000 | Graduated the Faux Filled Dreams
Academy of Decorative Painting – Laguna Beach, California
